Friday, January 21, 2011

Five Question Friday---Happy Freezing Friday!

Wow! I seem so hit or miss with this blogging stuff! But I figured while I'm out of work for a few weeks (sprained my knee), I may as well give this blogging stuff a try.
Today it is FREEZING and we are having white outs. One would think maybe my kiddos wouldn't have had school but they did. I can't decide if I'm sad or happy. Sad because now I have to hobble around and sad because it was terrible this morning and I had to worry about them getting to school. Happy because they won't be here to fight!

Ok enough blabber....on to Five Questions! Join MamaM every Friday for Five Question Friday

1. Where did you meet your spouse and did you instantly know it was love?
My husband and I went to the same high school and elementary school but didn't really pay attention to each other. I was 18 and he was 17 I think. He was pumping gas and I was out in my parents new car (yes I was THAT kid). And goodness knows I wouldn't have known how to pump my own gas. Silly me, reached into the back seat to grab my cash and my tired bumped the curb. He had a good chuckle about it and then decided to ask my brother--my older brother about me. He started coming to see me at work and asked me out on our first date while I was working the drive thru window!

And no, I thought it would just be the end of my senior year thing and then I would be off to college. So no I didn't know it was instant love. But he grew on me.

2. What is your favorite room in your house?
I'd say my bedroom but we haven't gotten rid of the horrible paneling. So I'm going to say my living room. I love my tv, I love the way the light comes through the big picture window and I LOVE my fireplace. And ssshhhh....I love that it is a gas fireplaace not a real one. I've done a real one and don't want that mess!

3. Can you wiggle your ears?
That's a big NO and I don't even have a tongue to nose ability to fall back on....sniffle!

4. What is your evening ritual?
Depends on the day of the week.
If I have off. It is get the kids off the bus, homework, make dinner, clean up dinner, get the kids bathed, get their clothes ready for the next day and get their lunches packed so we don't have to fight in the morning.
If i work til 5, I pick them up at my mom's and fit all the above in minus the extra 2 hours.
If I work til 9, well thank goodness God blessed me with wonderful parents, they help the kids with the homework and generally feed them dinner on those two days a week. My husband picks them up at 6:30 and then starts the evening ritual.

5. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
I'll be honest, 6 or 7. I love sleep. I love to get lots of sleep. It makes me happy. I don't mean sleep my life away sleep, I just love getting a good nights sleep.

AND now I must hobble out to the kitchen and bring in coffee. All I can say is thank goodness for traveling mugs with lids because otherwise I'd have one cup in the morning when my husband could help and then I'd be coffee-less! YIKES!

1 comment:

  1. I am trying to make it to a few of the Fridays questions. I haven't done it for awhile so happy to be back. Loved reading about your life and it seems like each woman so far loves their bedroom the most and then frontroom. LOL
    Are we all trying to say something ? Thats where we get to rest.. Kath' from
